Per Anders Nilsson

Per Anders Nilsson (1954) PhD./Professor, Vice Prefect for Research at University of Gothenburg. Improvising electronic musician and electroacoustic composer. Studied saxophone and electroacoustic music from 1981-87 at the School of Music at University of Gothenburg. In 2011 he finished his PhD thesis A Field of Possibilities: Designing and Playing Digital Musical Instruments. Has been played at several ICMC: Aarhus, Banff, Thessaloniki, Beijing and Miami as well as been commissioned at GRM, Paris and has also been a visiting scholar at CNMAT in Berkeley, CREATE in Santa Barbara, and CCRMA at Stanford. Nilsson was music coordinator for ICMC 2002. Was commissioned La gamme voiture XM by GRM in Paris 1999.

adrian 2015-06-03