EMS Proceedings and Other Publications

Educating International Composers: The Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center

Robert J. Gluck

University at Albany, NY, USA


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The role of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center (CPEMC) as the first educational and creative institution of its kind in the United States is well known. The Center was established in 1959 by founding director Vladimir Ussachevsky, in association with Otto Luening, Milton Babbitt and Roger Sessions. Support was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. Less widely known is the centrality of CPEMC in training composers hailing from outside the United States, including several South American countries, Israel, Turkey, Japan, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Iran and Ghana. Who were these composers and what was their impact on the CPEMC. Most important, what was the impact of their studies at CPEMC on the development of their own work and on the growth of the field in their home countries?