EMS Proceedings and Other Publications

Cultures, Chance, Electroacoustic Spaces: Exploring performance aspects of Cage’s ________, ________ ________ CIRCUS ON ________.

Jean Penny, Andrew Blackburn

Jean Penny, Andrew Blackburn, Federation University Australia


This paper probes questions of performance space analysis and understandings of artistic interculturality in an electroacoustic context through the prism of Foucault’s principles of heterotopia. The investigation focusses on the construction and performance of Memento Memori: A Malaysian Circus on The Garden of Evening Mists [A novel by Tan Twan Eng]. Original composition: John Cage; realisation supervised by Warren Burt, Catherine Schieve and Andrew Blackburn; first performed at the Cage101 Conference at the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia, August 23, 2013. Applying Foucault’s notion of heterotopia as a research model aims to provide new ways of articulating information in an experimental electroacoustic location. The layering of elements and spaces of performance, when seen through principles relating to cultures, spaces, opening/closing and functional and illusory space, creates a potential for gaining valuable insights into these interactive musical spaces.


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EMS18 Proceedings