EMS Proceedings and Other Publications

Educating students in electroacoustic music studies: What does this consist of and how can we best deliver it?

Leigh Landy

Leigh Landy, Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre De Montfort University, Leicester (UK)
llandy@dmu.ac.uk, www.mti.dmu.ac.uk/ llandy


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Electroacoustic music is still in its youth in some senses and its revolutionary character offers significant challenges to education. Do we, for example, borrow the traditional music education approach separating (roughly) history, theory, technology and science and artistic practice? Are courses in electroacoustic music studies not better delivered holistically taking into account the broad horizon of (my term) sound-based music? This short position paper will, after its contextual introduction, commence with a survey of pedagogical papers offered at EMS10 and then tackle the proposed vision related to holistic approaches to education, not only at university/conservatoire level, but also for younger students and any interested individuals of all ages as well. Following this paper, all conference participants will be able to contribute their ideas related to EMS10’s theme during an extended group discussion.

EMS10 Proceedings