Simon Atkinson
Interpretation and musical signification in acousmatic listening
Mark Ballora
Teaching Electroacoustic Music: Issues of History, Context, Pedagogy, and Student Expectation
Marc Battier
What’s in a name? The naming of new forms of music in the twentieth century
Bruno Bossis
Des index aux bases de connaissances : prospection sémantique pour une musicologie de l’électroacoustique
Tatjana Böhme-Mehner
Reproduction par traduction : Préjugés, Connotations, Images
Miha Ciglar
I.B.R. Variation 3
Likn: A Flexible Platform for Information and Metadata Exchange
John Dack
Translating Pierre Schaeffer: Symbolism, Literature and Music
Simon Emmerson
Appropriation, Exchange, Understanding
Takumi Endo & Nao Tokui:
Project Phonethica
Kenneth Fields
Electronic Music Terminology: Translation, Ontology, Knowledge Base
Henrik Frisk & Stefan Östersjö
Negotiating the Musical Work. An empirical study on the inter-relation between composition, interpretation and performance
Pablo Garcia-Valenzuela
Temporal Forces in Electroacoustic Music
Yann Geslin
Electroacoustic music: which natures and levels of representations?
Leigh Landy
Electroacoustic Music Studies and Accepted Terminology: You can’t have one without the other
Theodoros Lotis
The Concept of Textural Value. Adopting Terminology from the Theory of Light
Eric Lyon
Do We Still Need "Computer Music"?
Bertrand Merlier
Vocabulaire de l’espace et de la spatialisation des musiques électroacoustiques : présentation, problématique et taxinomie de l’espace
Kevin Patton
Morphological Notation for Interactive Electro-Acoustic Music
Lasse Thoresen
Spectromorphological Analysis of Sound Objects
Hasnizam Abdul Wahid
Electroacoustic Music Studies - Some Thoughts and Possibilitie
Alla Zagaykevych & Ivan Zavada
Évolution de la terminologie analytique au passage de la musique instrumentale à la musique électroacoustique dans un contexte local (Ukraine)
Laura Zattra
The critical editing of computer music