Mathew Adkins
Schaeffer est Mort! Long live Schaeffer!
Adriana Anastasia & Nicola Giosmin
Incontri di fasce sonore by Franco Evangelisti. From the rebuilding to the analysis via synthesis process
Elizabeth L. Anderson
Materials, Meaning and Metaphor : Unveiling Spatio-Temporal Pertinences in Acousmatic Music
Peter Batchelor
Really hearing the thing: an investigation of the creative possibilities of trompe l’oreille and the fabrication of aural landscapes
David Berezan
Flux: Live-Acousmatic Performance and Composition
Tatjana Böhme-Mehner
Language as Material – Language as Communication: “Words” and “Texts” in Electroacoustic Music
Juan Chattah
Klang, Kar, und Melodie: a Crash Course on Musical Narrative
Jean-Marc Chouvel, Jean Bresson, Carlos Agon
L’analyse musicale différentielle : principes, représentation et application à l’analyse de l’interprétation
Nick Collins
Analysis of Generative Music
John Coulter
The Language of Electroacoustic Music
Pierre Couprie
Dessin 3 D et système immersif pour la représentation de la musique électroacoustique
Ariane Couture
L’hybride est-il un paramètre musical ? Une analyse de la vidéomusique Spin (1999-2002) de Jean Piché
John Dack
Acoulogie: an answer to Lévi-Strauss?
Arne Eigenfeldt
Real-time Composition or Computer Improvisation? A composer’s search for intelligent tools in interactive computer music
Simon Emmerson
‘Where next? New music, new musicology’
Julio d’Escriván
Imaginary Listening
Rajmil Fischman
‘Mimetic Space’: A conceptual framework for the discussion analysis and creation of mimetic discourse and structure
Robert J. Gluck
Educating International Composers: The Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center
Francesca Guerrasio
L’approche de l’écologie sonore par Salvatore Sciarrino dans Lohengrin II, dessin pour un jardin sonore
Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner
Hear Me Now: The implication and significance of the female composer’s voice as sound source in her electroacoustic music
Guillaume Loizillon
Synthèse sonore et musiques électroacoustiques: une phenomenologie du sonore
Dugal McKinnon
The Acousmatic and the Language of the Technological Sublime
Katharine Norman
Where are we Listening? and What are We Listening To?
Felipe Otondo
Recent Spatialisation Trends in Electroacoustic Music
Paul Rudy
Three requiems and a dream: The language of electroacoustic sound in film By Paul Rudy
Zhang Ruibo, Kenneth Fields
CHEARS: China Electroacoustic Resource Survey
Ambrose Seddon
Recurrence in Acousmatic Music: Creative and Analytical Possibilities
Dante Tanzi
The Role of Behaviour in the Analysis of Electroacoustic Music
Elisa Teglia
Les langages de la production électroacoustique du Studio di fonologia musicale de Milan
Andrea Valle
A typological space for representing collections of sound objects
Nicolas Viel
Pierre Barbaud et la naissance de la musique par ordinateur en France : de la cybernétique à l’algorithmique
Simon Waters
Performance Ecosystems: Ecological approaches to musical interaction
Rob Weale
Mapping perception1 across the communicative continuum as a prelude to analysis
Michael Young
Au(or)a: Exploring Attributes of a Live Algorithm